Saturday 23 February 2008


I bought these gorgeous flowers yesterday. The florist called them 'blooms' but I'm not sure what their proper name is?? I just adore the colour - they remind me of a country cottage garden. My dad is going to try and take some cuttings from them so I can grow some myself next year!!

I have just listed three crocheted hats on e-bay along with a new brooch. There is so much embroidery involved in the new design but I love the result!! Hope you do too???


  1. YUMMY! Love the new hats Jane - bought 2!!! Couldn't decide which I liked the most, so spoilt myself! The flowers look like pink Chrysanthemums to me, I might be wrong, but the leaves look similar to the more common white and yellow ones you see a lot of too. :) Fiona x

  2. Hi Fiona, many thanks for your purchases. I will be sendng your hats to you by first class post on Monday morning. I thought the flowers looked like chrysanthemums but then I also thought they looked liked asters too??? Warm wishes, Jane ;-)

  3. Jane, the hats arrived today...wore the green one to walk the dog this afternoon, made me feel all lovely in the woods! They are so fab, and SO well made, I love the brooches you added too, really makes the whole look complete. You're so talented, and I will certainly be recommending you! Thanks again, Fiona x

  4. Hi Fiona, So pleased you like the hats. The green one was listed at the last minute as I was going to keep it myself!!! Been really busy over the last couple of days. I have some tote bags, cosmetic bags, pencil cases with matching bobby pins and scarves that I will be listing shortly!?!?! Warm Wishes, Jane xx

  5. The new design is so sweet!

    Do you die cut your felt, or snip it all by hand? The finish is so neat!


  6. Hi there Jane your designs are truly wonderful they are works of art.
    I also work with felt and have a shop on ebay/etsy I make hair accessories and I love it.
    I wonder how you find the time for all the intricate detail its amazing, my designs are intricate also but looking at yours I am in awe.
    You mentioned in the post below about copying, same thing happened to me its so annoying when someone steals your ideas.
    I hope people will realise that this is happening and steer clear.

  7. Hi Ailie, I use a mixture of die cutting and cutting by hand but I'm so fussy I often go through so much felt when cutting by hand!!!!!!! Regards Jane x

  8. Hi Chrissy, many thanks for you kind comments. I love making the brooches and find it quite therapeutic!!!
