Thursday 14 May 2009


I've just read an article by Liberty of London and they claim scarves are the fashion accessory for the summer. What a co-incidence! I have just made six new scarves with co-ordinating brooches in a variety of fabrics and designs. I will be listing them in my etsy and e-bay shops very soon but here is a sneek peak!!

I have been intending to bake more in recent weeks but have been so busy sewing and gardening that I just haven't had a spare minute. However, Peter (my son) and I put time aside to make a cheesecake yesterday and here is the result. Just one confession - the recipe we had included egg yolks and I managed to leave them out! I only realised once the dish was baking in the oven - ooops!

However, on checking several other similar recipes I realised that most cheesecakes don't have egg yolks included in the ingredients! It tasted great anyway - think I might leave them out next time too - fewer calories!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. That cheesecake looks delicious, I really wouldn't mind a slice right now.
    I have just come over form your Etsy shop via Vanessa's blog, I saw the lovely brooch she won. I found just the right one for me in your shop. I loved them all really and couldn't choose at first, then I saw one called summer rain (it has been puring down today) and it's jus the right colours to match the top I'm wearing, so I bought it.
    Your new creations with the scarves look wonderful, I must go have a look when you've put themn up.
    Anyway, I'm so glad I visited your blog, it's beautiful. Your flowers in the post below this are amazing! I'm going to go have a read of that one now.
