Wednesday 12 August 2009


I had a request last week to make a custom order for a special customer who has bought several of my brooches over a period of time.

The lovely lady asked me to make a brooch 10cm in diameter with as many colours as I could incorporate. A little large for a brooch you may think ! Well, here is the finished 'Abundance Brooch'. I thought the title was appropriate as there are an abundance of flowers within this design!

I have decided to make a few more of this design in a variety of colourways - I think they'd look great on a winter coat to brighten up one of the many cold wintery days we experience!

What do you think - too big, too bright, too many flowers, just right, vibrant, over the top???


  1. I think the colours are absolutely wonderful - really vivid and folk-arty. I really like them. As a size 10 top half I don't think my shoulders are quite wide enough for such a large brooch so possibly 10cm would be a bit big for my liking - more like 7.5cm? But, yes, run with it!

    Pomona x

  2. I've just received my little red brooch - it is exquisite, thank you!

    Pomona x

  3. Have just come to you from Pomona having seen her fab little felt brooch. Love this huge multicoloured brooch - it would be a little on the large size for me but I do love it and why not after all if you've got it flaunt it!!

    Will be checking out your blog now as I love the posts I have seen.


  4. Beautiful job as always! Just a thought...have you
    tried a different shape for the black backing? Maybe
    follow the outline of the shapes but a little larger?

    Love the colors!


  5. I have just stumbled across your blog. I LOVE the piece. I thought it was the top of a round pincushion. With this pincushion craze afoot, I am off to check your etsy site for something like that.

  6. Your work is so beautiful! Love the brooch. It's just perfect.
