Tuesday 1 September 2009


The wonderfully talented duo behind Bold and Noble (my brother and sister-in law to be precise) have been hard at work designing a new brand for me - I am so lucky! Together, we have decided to call it........................

..wait for it (drum roll)..................

..Applique Originals!!!!

Do you like the name??????

As you are probably already aware, all of my items are unique so Applique Originals fits the bill perfectly!
I have just collected a huge batch of cards from the printers. I have used an off-white recycled card and the print is grey (I thought this would compliment most colours). The cards will be used to display my brooches and I must say they look fabulous - I am over the moon!

I have also been working hard on my website over the last couple of days - uploading my new logo, etc. I have had no formal training but have managed to muddle my way through the set up - mainly through trial and error! I would be grateful for any feedback?

Finally, I am planning on having a competition/giveaway in the next couple of weeks to celebrate my new 'look' so please keep checking back if you would like to win some goodies!


  1. Really lovely! Would you like me to edit the post I did about the brooch I bought from you? A lot of people seem to have been using the link, so I could change it and the name if you like. Just let me know!

    I'll go and look at the website now.

    Pomona x

  2. Beautiful job on the website and
    pin packaging. Love all the new

  3. I just love your work! I stumbled upon your photos on flickr and am just so amazed at the detail you put into each piece. I just started getting into felt so am really inspired by your work!

  4. Fabulous! Very classy brand look, they look fab, and your website looks great too. Your brooches just get more and more beautiful.
    Love Vanessa xxx (do you mind i fi knit)

  5. Found you via bold and noble - love your work.
