Saturday 10 April 2010


My exhibition opened last night at Mushroom Works. I felt quite ill all day just at the mere thought of people coming to see my work. However, it turned out to be a wonderful night with lots of friends (some of whom I have never seen for years) arriving with huge beams on their faces.

I am now going to bore you with some of the photographs from the exhibition. I managed to get quite a few taken just before the doors opened! Hope you like them?


  1. Congratulations. So glad your opening night went well. It's a shame that I'm not closer - looks like the perfect way to spend a lazy afternoon.
    Well done,
    Nerys x

  2. Oh! I wish I lived closer would loved to have seen them for real they are absolutely gorgeous.

  3. It looks fantastic! You must have been extremely busy making everything. It's really well displayed, looks great. Hope all goes well for you.

  4. Congrats ! !
    Though I don't know why you were sick with apprehension, your work is great!!!!!!
    I've not seen anything quite like it.
    Your work was shown with great thought behind it because each display is perfect.

  5. wow! the exhibition looks stunning. i feel honoured to own some of your beautiful work. you should be very, very proud of all that hard graft. it looks fantastic :)

  6. hee hee hee, mine mine mine! sorry - i'm just a little giddy at being able to see the framed work i bought, i'm looking forward to getting it home!

    great pictures, wonderful evening, thank you for inviting me, and congratulations on such a success!

    cate, x

  7. Congratulations, absolutely gorgeous! I wish I lived closer to your place!

  8. Only one thing to say, WOW!

  9. It Looks absolutely fantastic!
    I wish I could fly over the cannal to see it in real life!
