Tuesday 15 June 2010


Oh I am so sorry I haven't revealed the winner of the goodies in my last post!

I have had such a busy week but here we go - the winner will be decided by the random number generator below! Everyone has been given a number according to their comment.......... and the winner is........ number 15!!!

True Random Number Generator
Min: 1
Max: 32
Result: 15

Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Can 'made at greenlodge' please forward your postal details to me at jsmallcombe@hotmail.co.uk!! Thank you for all of your lovely comments - I will be having another giveaway fairly soon!

I have a couple of things to show you before I go.

I love painting and despite several attempts with watercolours, gouache, etc I have never really been satisfied with any of my paintings and they always end up in the bin. However, I decided to incorporate my sewing in to one of my little drawings/paintings.

This one below is 'Lulu'! I drew her in ink on hand made paper and coloured her with watercolours . Three small buttons and an embroidered flower in her hair completed the design!

Not to be outdone, my little boy decided to have a go too - I just adore his picture and have decided to buy a frame and hang it up in our home.


  1. Looks as though your little boy has an artistic talent that may already rival his momma's.

    I am wondering what this story really is here with his most unusual sun rays and the portrait within a portrait.

    Deep, deep.

    I do love your blog.

    Hugs & ♥♥♥s,

  2. Your drawing is absolutely gorgeous, but I'm really impressed with your little boy! He's got real talent! Like mother, like son! Wonderful!

  3. I'm so annoyed with myself that I missed your giveaway, I'm ever so sorry I didn't take part. I really, really like your painting with it's sewing,it works beautifully. Love Vanessa xxx

  4. Love Peter's painting. Quite ingenious.

  5. Love Peter's picture. Quite ingenious.

  6. I am soo sooooo late in saying thank you for the lovely brooch, book, hook and wool. I have been trying to crochet and have attempted a square. The effort is worth it and I will succeed. My girls have been fightin g over the brooch but I will keep it to remind me what a treat it was to win such lovely items. Again thank you so very much.
