I recently received a fabric package with a piece of my favourite Liberty Lawn design included. I have pondered for a while debating what to make with it but eventually decided it would look superb as part of a scarf/brooch set. Here is the finished product. It is currently listed in my shop on e-bay along with several other designs!
What is your favourite liberty design???
Blogger seems to have problems accepting comments this morning - hope multiples don't show up all at once. :-(
As I was saying - your work is fantastic! I wore the red brooch yesterday. I blogged about you today. I hope it brings you even more new business!
why arent you registered as a business on ebay
Hi, I am registered as a business on e-bay and my shop name is APPLIQUE-designedbyjane. If I can be of any further hep please let me know
Hi there , your scarf is beautiful !!
I love the Liberty fabric with the little strawberries .. i cannot remember what its called !!
I love this...do you have this photo on flickr so that it can be loaded to our groups so that more may see your greatness? Whew ...feel like I need to draw breath!
I have masses of scraps of Liberty and also embroidery threads ....would love to gift you some as I just am enthralled by your work.
Am going to do a multiple purchase from you as it makes sense with sending them to Australia...never thought I would say it but are you sure you are charging enough cause your work is pretty labour intensive? Also do you have other stock on ebay...should I be looking there as well before I buy?
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